Armonii de făurar - poetry festival (2007)

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This is the cover for the book of the Music and Poetry Festival organized in 2007 by the National College "Moise Nicoară" from Arad, Romania. In Romanian: Colegiul Național „Moise Nicoară” Arad.

In this book cover, I chose to represent the poet as a red sphere, because poets often have a tendency to strive for perfection and are passionate about their work. The intricate structures on the construction walls are meant to represent the technology that surrounds and isolates the poet, more and more. The overall intensive blue tint of the walls helps creates a vibrant contrast with the red sphere. This color palette helps realize a mid-summer night mood, which is specific to the romanticism. The bright light on the back cover is representing the source of inspiration for the poet's work. I suggest that it comes from far away.

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