New Winamp3 skin: uDesignIT

uDesignIT screen shot My third Winamp3 skin is finally here! It is featuring a very unique approach to skinning - you will be amazed!

This skin might not look interesting at first glance, but I am sure you will be amazed by the usability and utility of this very unique skin. You will be able to create your own personal and unique design in the first 5 minutes after installing this skin on your system!

  • create unique window-shade modes and put them always-on-top wherever you want
  • create unique and personal designs best fitting your needs
  • you will no longer have to accept the limited window-shade modes in other skins
  • easy, fast and usable!

Download uDesignIT skin

ROBO Design v3 released

ROBO Design v3 header

ROBO Design v3 - first page Welcome to the brand new ROBO Design V3 website!

What’s new:

  • two interface templates: ROBO Design v2 and v3
  • site available in two languages: English and Romanian
  • our new address:
  • content cleanup: old creations removed
  • W3C validated website

Two new websites: and


After a long time of beta testing, the SeerMusic website is finally released. Go at to see it. This is a site which uses a mySQL database and it is made in PHP. It has the following engine features:

  • our own Forum engine
  • enhance your messages with emoticons and limited HTML code (phpBB-like code)
  • upload system with rating and comments for those who want to publish their own sounds and songs
  • account system with secured login and user profiles
  • news and site map pages
  • search
  • on-line jukebox (listen all the user uploaded songs online)
  • and more!

Seermusic site interface

We also released a new romanian website: site interface

Both sites are no longer available.

Beta-testing for


We are working on a new website: SeerMusic. We are redesigning the site and we are creating a new dynamic engine with an administration module, forum, upload system, notification system, accounts and much more.

We now released it as a beta version. Everybody can now go to test it and give us some feedback.

Here you can see the new SeerMusic website. (site offline)

Four new images


I now had the time to update the website! Here are the latest images (sorted from the newest to the oldest): My computer v2, Sphere world, Dark place and On the mountains.

My computer v2 Sphere world Dark place On the mountains

Added image: Xmas Spirit


I've been talking about the "Christmas Spirit". I finally had the time to make an image called "Xmas Spirit".

Xmas Spirit

WINyaMP3 v2 released

WINyaMP3 had a total of about 60,000 downloads on different sites. I received many requests, for winshade mode or color themes.. I now finished WINyaMP3 v2, which is based on user requests.

Download WINyAMP3 v2 now!.

New in this version:

  • 35 color themes (requested by users)
  • resizable equalizer, thinger and main windows - by adding a Control Menu (on main window click on the playing status image). This was also requested by users!
  • added winshade mode for main window (requested by users)
  • skinning all components (including menus)
  • new Configuration panel with: enable/disable song ticker scrolling, show/hide MiniPlayer, enable/disable shadows (desktop alpha), always on top, display numbers in play list and... color themes switcher included!
  • new About and Visualization panels
  • new panel
  • much better scripting
  • now you can make your Winamp 3 work faster using the Configuration panel!

WINyAMP v2 screen shot