WINyaMP3 had a total of about 60,000 downloads on different sites. I received many requests, for winshade mode or color themes.. I now finished WINyaMP3 v2, which is based on user requests.
New in this version:
- 35 color themes (requested by users)
- resizable equalizer, thinger and main windows - by adding a Control Menu (on main window click on the playing status image). This was also requested by users!
- added winshade mode for main window (requested by users)
- skinning all components (including menus)
- new Configuration panel with: enable/disable song ticker scrolling, show/hide MiniPlayer, enable/disable shadows (desktop alpha), always on top, display numbers in play list and... color themes switcher included!
- new About and Visualization panels
- new panel
- much better scripting
- now you can make your Winamp 3 work faster using the Configuration panel!