Blending modes math formulas

Hello, again!

I recently overhauled the blending modes maths in Quick Picto Viewer. I decided to write an article here on the maths behind the common blending modes, because I was not able to easily find in one place the mathematical formulas. However, I will not be describing how they visually impact the image or their use cases.

Blending modes describe mathematically how the colours of two images are mixed when composited on top of each other. The mathematical formula is applied on each image colour channel: R, G and B, for each overlapping pixel. The formulas provided here work on normalized RGB values. To normalize the values, one has to divide by 255 each R, G and B value, given they are in the range of 0 to 255. Therefore, floating point precision is necessary for the computations.

In the following table, the base layer is B and the image on top is A, and Z is the result of the math formula which has to be applied on each colour channel. The commutative blending modes are marked with * (asterisk). For these, the layers order does not matter.

Fomula Blend mode Category
z = min(A, B) *Darken Darker
z = A * B *Multiply Darker
z = A + B - 1 *Linear burn Darker
z = 1 - ((1 - B) / A) Color burn Darker
z = max(A, B) *Lighten Brighter
z = 1 - ( (1 - B) * (1 - A) ) *Screen Brighter
z = A + B *Linear dodge (linear add) Brighter
z = B / (1 - A) Color dodge Brighter
if (A < 0.5)
 z = 2 * A * B
 z = 1 - (2 * (1 - A) * (1 - B) )
Hard light Contrast
if (A < 0.5)
 z = (1 - 2*A) * (B^2) + 2 * B * A
 z = 2 * B * (1 - A) + sqrt(B) * (2 * A - 1)
Soft light Contrast
if (B < 0.5)
 z = 2 * A * B
 z = 1 - (2 * (1 - A) * (1 - B) )
Overlay Contrast
if (A <= (1 - B))
 z = 0
 z = 1
*Hard mix Contrast
z = B + (2 * A) - 1 Linear light Contrast
if (A < 0.5)
 z = 1 - (1 - B) / (2 * A)
 z = B / (2 * (1 - A))
Vivid light Contrast
z = (B + A)/2 *Average Contrast
z = A + B - 2 * (A * B) *Exclusion Inversion
z = abs(B - A) *Difference Inversion
z = B / A Divide Cancelation
z = B - A Substract Cancelation
z = gray(A) + B - gray(B) Luminosity Component
z = gray(B) - gray(A) + B + A/5 Ghosting Component contrast

The gray() function takes the non-normalized RGB values and returns a normalized value. It is defined as:

g = (r*0.299 + g*0.587 + b*0.114)/255.0

I used the NTSC colour weights to convert the colour of the pixel to gray, because I get very similar results with other applications. Of course, one can try more accurate conversion algorithms.

The Ghosting blending mode is a personal concoction :-). The end results one can get with it are quite interesting.

Till next time... best regards, Marius.

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