New 3D image: Ambiental living room

This project was an exercise to do a 3D interior as fast as possible. My last projects took about 1 to 2 years to finish, so I really wanted to prove myself I can do one fast. This one took me only 3 weeks to finish at a slow pace. So, it's a real improvement. Done with C4D and Vray. It's a reproduction of a photo I found on the Internet.

The quality is not top notch. The major culprit is the plant and there are, of course, other minor details, such as the books on the shelf, the curtains and others. Despite these minor flaws, I really like the overall mood which is a positive one, very intense light; it has a certain sense of freshness. Here's the image:

Ambiental living room

I hope you guys like my new image ;).

Soarele din lumină

Salut, oameni buni!

Am luat decizia să continui să mai scriu texte artistice. Ultimul text artistic a fost scris pe data de 1 decembrie ... 2007 ;). Voi încerca să schimb stilul într-un proces lent. În mod evident, acest text este în stilul obişnuit:

Mai ştii tu soare cum îmi ziceai tu "lumină", în ploaia de raze solare? Atunci când ale noastre lumini erau contopite într-o metaformă omogenă ce plătea tribut zeilor, iar neuronii noştri calmi dansau un vals cu capetele bulbucate de un exces de ocitocină. Lumina omniprezentă eclipsa sinapsele neuronilor din lobii frontali, astfel încât funcţiile vitale supravieţuirii erau doar un reflex. Deşi ea pâlpâia ca un neon defect, era a noastră şi era bună. Numai o scânteie a fost necesară ca o revoluţie la rezoluţie mică să se petreacă. Acum, în cea de-a doua zi a genezei, când lumina şi întunericul sunt două entităţi diferite şi cuantificabile pe plan conoscitiv, ale noastre lumini sunt la ani lumină distanţă fiindcă quarkurile ce compun materia grea a entităţii tale sunt suboptimal aliniaţi şi astfel un proces de repulsie reciprocă a decis soarta. Întunericul ne învăluie precum o pauză în infinitul etern, asigurând pacea. Când repauzat voi fi, lumina mea nu va înceta a mai fi, dar a ta lumină fără fond cu mult timp înaintea repaosului etern va fi stinsă.

Inefabilul a prevalat iaraşi.

New project: the piano room

Hello readers!

Today, I'm proud to announce a new personal project I completed. During the last year I worked on a photo-realistic 3D scene for further advancing my skills in architectural visualization. With this project I learned a lot about Vray and about lighting ;). The project consisted of reproducing an entire room in 3D. I'm happy now to see it done.

Please click on the images below to see more and to read more about the project:

Piano room

Piano room: armchairs

Piano room: windows

I hope to post more stuff during this autumn, perhaps a "making of" or tutorials along the project.

Summer time: new book covers

Hello, fellas and playas! ;)

It's mid-summer and it's also a very long time since I posted anything here. I am rather busy to post anything. I've been working on several book covers since my last blog post and, of course, on my big project: the piano room (for the latest WIPs check this forum post on the VrayforC4D forums). I've been unable to complete the final renders, due to crashes and very long render times, in early march, this year. A few days ago I resumed work on the project. I hope to get it done this year.

For more details about each book cover, please click on them. Here they are:

Faronir - Raue zuflucht by Michael Auerbach

Semantic 3D object maps for everyday manipulation in human living environments by Radu B. Rusu

Synthesis and Catalytic Applications of Carbene-Functionalized Hybrid Catalysts by Alexandrina D. Rusu

The reliability and the availablity of the distribution systems of electrical energy by Simona Dzițac

For the Faronir novel written by Michael Auerbach, I tried a different approach, which I hope was successful. Until now, I always had to do book covers on scientific subjects, like artificial intelligence, robotics and mathematics. I never had to deal with literature. Being the first book of this kind, a science fiction novel, I wanted this cover to stand out in my gallery. I hope you find it great. A great amount of effort and time was put into getting the book cover right.

Besides book covers, I also did the logo and the new interface for the PaintWeb project of my twin brother. Some of the frequent visitors of our site already saw the new logo, but for those who did not, here it is:

PaintWeb logo

I've also done other small projects, but I won't post them since they are insignificant.

'Til next time, I wish y'all the best and have a nice summer. I hope to be posting more stuff during the year.

Year 2009 and the first images


I couldn't name the blog post "more posters", even if the title would have fit like a glove, because I have another post with this title ;).

What could be a better way to start the new year than with some messages related to environmental protection? :) Instead of waiting again for Saint Valentines day, I'm synchronizing the release of these posters with the global warming :). So, I decided to make two posters on this matter. Both are well intended :). Hope you like them, and find 'em witty enough to tickle even the sharpest eyes.

In eco we trust

Be Eco

I also made another Milk Inc related poster before last year ended. Perhaps I like Milk Inc. :). Anyways, it goes beyond that, like all the other posters based on their lyrics.

Wide awake

More stuff scheduled to come soon, and not just posters.