New works

Coucou à tous!

I forgot to post last time my new works and I just mentioned the small tidbits behind the hood of maintaining a site. Yesterday, I realized I have quite many new works unpublished.

Three new logos: Fast Travel agency - late September. Webicina - early July, and the biology 2008 Olympiad logo, in February.

Fast Travel agency logo Webicina Sigla pentru Olimpiada Națională de Biologie - 2008

I also decided to list the interfaces I did for our projects, Paint.Web and the SVG + Voice game tutorial (done in April 2007), in the interfaces category. This is just so you can have a better view of my works.

PaintWeb v0.5 interface Opera SVG Game

Next, in November I've done a few motion planning illustrations for my older brother, and a fake diploma for fun.

Fake diploma Motion planning - kpieces Motion planning - kpieces grid Motion planning - kpieces multigrid discretization Motion planning - path

I hope you guys like my new stuff.

I'm working on two new covers and, still on my 3D image - The Piano Room, but currently I am on hold 'till I finish the two covers.

Auf wiedersehen, playas. :)

More illustrations


I continued working on illustrating more artistic texts I had. I decided to publish this new set, so here they are:

Réthorique Lucid dreaming The throne Selfish Discrimination Loneliness Starry night

I hope you enjoy these new illustrations :).

Zgândurele cover Another idea which came into my mind was to create an e-book [a PDF file] with all my writings and the illustrations along side. So, now, those who understand Romanian, can download this PDF instead of surfing the blog to read my texts. I think this is "more manageable"/usable :). I've even designed a front and back cover. The title for this e-book is "Zgândurele".

View the Zgândurele e-book (PDF)

A new category: illustrations

Hello! It's spring time! Creativity in the wild :).

Several days before the Valentine's Day, somebody asked me to do a 3D heart having a red stripe wrapped around it. Given that Valentine's Day was so close, I decided to make my own version of the image. So, my idea was to create a "culinary" one resembling a multitude of fresh tomatoes and also make it look fake, obnoxiously red.

Corporate love

Bandaged heart

Weeks ago, I had an idea of doing sketch like illustrations for my artistic writings. I've done already six sketches for my texts. I am doing all these in 3D with Cinema 4D and Photoshop for corrections or heavy editing. I created a new category in the "My projects" section of my site for them. And, I also moved the image "Integration of Poverty (Romania in E.U.)" to this new category as it fits, being done in the same style. Having worked with the 3D heart for Valentine's, I had a new idea for a funny (or sad) illustration: Love is a burden, which shows an individual carrying a heart up the hill, all alone :).

The cube The vision Dedicated to you Love is a burden The crack The metasight The cold ashes

I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for reading and viewing the images. More will come! :)

Site updates

I finally had the time to update the site. I added some new content and updated several pages.

My latest work is "Love bites". The first WIP saw the light in early November 2007, but I wasn't in the mood to finish it until yesterday - 3rd of February 2008. Take it as an image for Saint Valentine's Day, but I didn't intend it to be so.

Love bites

Ovidiu Bosancu logo In early November 2007, I was asked to make a new logo and a new site interface for Ovidiu Bosancu. In two weeks my work was finished. This is with what I came up with:

Ovidiu Bosancu site interface

The organizers of the "Music and Poetry Festival" from Arad, Romania, asked me to design the calendar for 2008 and the cover for the next book of this festival. I am really content how these two works turned out. Again, all this happened in late September and in November 2007.

Music and Poetry Festival - 2007 (book cover)

Music and Poetry Festival - 2008 (calendar)

In January 2008, I was contacted by the web designer behind Foundation Recordings, asking me for the permission to use the image Old Radio. I ended to not only allow him to use it, but to also do two 3D objects for the new site design. A mixing box and a disco ball. Hope you like them.

Foundation Recordings - 3D objects

And, in other news... I am proud to announce that in October 2007, "The wind of change" image appeared in the "Best of Cinema 4D" gallery of the 3D Attack magazine. That's not all: the same image became the front cover in November 2007 issue, which also featured a four pages interview with me :). It was my first interview of any kind.

Download the 3D Attack magazine, November 2007 issue (PDF)

In conclusion... November was the most active month since August 2007. :)

Content updates

I've decided to publish the interpretation of my last artistic work I released here on the site. With this post I want to inform my readers that in the "Making of" pages for "The Wind of Change" project, you can now also find the complete interpretation. You can read what each element is meant to symbolize. As a side note, all the impressions expressed in the text are purely subjective and personal. They represent my ideas at the time the document was written, thus even my thoughts about the image are subject to change over time.

The Wind of Change - image

I also published an application interface I made for VegaWeb Solutions and a CD/DVD cover for the same project. I hope you like it.

V-Casa Interface V-Casa CD/DVD covers

And, finally, I have decided to publish a poster I've done several years ago. I very much like the colors :).

The Clock Timing - poster

ROBO Design v5 theme wallpapers

The ROBO Design v5 web site interface uses elements found in "The Wind of Change" project: flowers, plants and others. While working on the eye-candy factor of the v5 interface, I thought of creating some wallpapers with the same theme. The blue version was done for those who prefer this color.

ROBO Design v5.5 wallpaper (white)

ROBO Design v5.5 wallpaper (black)

ROBO Design v5.5 wallpaper (blue)

I hope you like them :).

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