A lot of new content

I haven't updated the site, because I am generally very busy. Yet, today I had the time to do so.

What's new:

  • IFMA 3D elevators 2nd package. My collaboration has continued, therefore this is the new package of 3D elevators for their catalogs.
  • two new web sites:
    • PRO-net.ro. For an Internet Service Provider in Arad, Romania.
    • Poetry Festival. A web site for a high-school music and poetry festival organized annually in Arad, Romania.
  • a book cover for the Poetry Festival.
  • a new page in this web site: Web programming (no longer available) in Exhibition. This page was created in an effort to provide users visiting this site with the latest toys Mihai is working on, the web programmer of this web site.

PRO-Net - site interface Poetry festival - site interface

IFMA elevator: Obsidian IFMA elevator: Lux Green Crystal

Poetry Festival - 2005 book cover

This is almost everything new I have worked on. I am always working on new stuff.

A new 3D image and a book cover

Today I released on the site a new 3D image, called "Bed room". This is a photo-realistic render of a bed room, in a beautiful morning. The 3D scene does not contain any lights. The illumination is generated using radiosity. For the bed we used sub-polygonal displacement. Rendering took 51 hours in Cinema 4D and AR.

Bed room

Also, I made a book cover for "Multi-Precision Mathematics". Authors: Mads Rasmussen, Greg Rose and Tom St. Denis.

Multi-Precision Mathematics book cover

ROBO Design v4 site released

Welcome to the new website: ROBO Design v4.

I return after a long time with a brand new web site. All the content is updated and checked on the site. There is also a lot of new content that has been published together with this new installment.

New images in the Exhibition section: Digital Morning, Herbanaculum, The Net, Alandala, Fairy Tale and Disney Grass.

Digital Morning


The Network


Fairy tale

Disney Grass

New content in the Portfolio section:

Four websites: Varbittour.ro, Platonos.org, Outshinemusic.com, Ovidiu-bosancu.ro,

Varbittour web site Platonos site Outshine music Ovidiu Bosancu web site (2004)

Three logos for: LibTom Crypt, Ovidiu Bosancu, Platonos.org

LibTom Crypt logo Ovidiu Bosancu logo (2004) Platonos logo

New features in v4:

ROBO Design v4 - first page
  • RSS 2 feeds
  • Flash interface (optional)
  • 35 emoticons for use in comments
  • New voting poll and content rating systems
  • Added popularity counters for items
  • Spatial navigation
  • Keyboard shortcuts for accessibility
  • The site conforms to the current web standards:
    • HTML 4.01 Strict
    • CSS 2.1
    • WCAG Priority 3
    • US Section 508
  • New pages: Help and Settings

IFMA project - 3D elevators

I release now the IFMA project which is the biggest project I worked on until now.

"Societatea Română de Ascensoare IFMA S.A." (a Romanian company which creates elevators) needed a presentation catalog of their elevators. In June to September 2003, I worked for 6 high quality, photo-realistic renders of elevators, ready for typography, in CMYK color format. I also created 36 more variations at a lower quality for a CD presentation application which allows the IFMA clients to customize their own elevator by picking the materials and the models they want for ceilings, floors, walls, control panels and other components. For the catalog I also rendered few very detailed close-ups of the displays, ceilings, floors, control panels and others.

IFMA elevator - Synthetic

IFMA elevator - Quasar IFMA elevator - Furnir

In the IFMA elevators project page you can find more details about this project and also see all the images I made.

See the IFMA elevators project page

New Winamp3 skin: RODE 3 Lite

Today we released the fourth Winamp 3 skin. This is the Lite edition of the RODE3 skin for Winamp 3. The Full version will have many more features and maybe few minor changes to the interface - it will be released when we have the time to make it.

Current features:

  • new Visualization panel with 6 cool and unique visualizations
  • new About RODE3 panel
  • new advanced ROBO Browser - now you can browse the web using Winamp 3!
  • skinning of all components, menus and tool tips
  • bass, treble options in equalizer
  • main window horizontal shade mode
  • main window 100% REAL vertical shade mode
  • play list horizontal shade mode
  • integrated playback buttons and song position in all component windows
  • 373 color themes - making sure you will find the combination of colors that best fits your desktop!
  • unique, easy to use and useful interface - perfectly fitting the daily needs of any music fan

RODE 3 Lite screen shot

Download RODE3 Lite skin