
Peace be upon you, Earthling!

With the advent of phones equipped with ever-more advanced cameras, photography turned into a hobby for many people. And I am no exception. When I go out, by the river side, where I live, I sometimes capture what catches my tired eyes. It can be clouds, shapes, the overall lighting or something else. I began posting the photographs I make on my Instagram profile since 2019. Some photographs are from trips I took abroad or in Romania.

Last week, I decided to publish the photographs I made on my site as well. To this end, I re-edited the original photographs. Therefore, some are not exactly the same as the ones on my Instagram profile.

I hope you will like the photographs. Click on the image below to get to them.

Photographs gallery

May the light shine upon you!

T-shirt designs about disabled people


In April, this year, I made multiple images with the purpose to raise awareness on some topics that are more or less taboo in my social circles. I am focused mostly on topics that concern disabled people. Please share, copy, steal, promote, redistribute or remix them. Do not ask for my permission. Just do so. :)

Love without discrimination Loneliness of a disabled person Disabled giving money Love inclusion Disabled sex: same as you Disabled man on Moon Love proposal from a disabled person Love has no limits for people with disabilities Disabled people love the same as you

I decided to make these images as t-shirt designs, because I want to suggest that such messages should be worn by people in public places. By wearing t-shirts in public places, the messages are distributed much more better. Making simple images on the Internet, for people to distribute, is not really effective. But wearing t-shirts or clothes with messages that draw attention are much more effective. The messages I deliver with these designs are simple and draw attention immediately. It is also about identifying yourself with the message on the clothes you wear. The people who see a person wearing a cloth with a certain message, quickly associate the given person with the message and consider him as supportive or in agreement with the message. Few people out there would wear clothes with messages that they do not agree with. Wearing clothes with the messages I propose here would show awareness, support and acceptance of the disabled people by those who would wear such messages, and also contribute to the spread of this acceptance.

I also did 3 sketches based on the xkcd style:

Accessible NASA moon base

Accessibility anarchist

Girl's new look

I made more images like these, on other topics as well.

See all the Propaganda images

I hope you like them :).

Summer 2013 updates

Hello, dreamers!

The exhibition I had in Offenbach, Germany was a real succes and for me it was a wonderful and exciting event. I met really nice people there. Thanks again to Daniel Schaaf and to all his friends for making it possible.

I finished the art studies at UVT

Another great news is that I finished completely my studies for the Master degree program I was enrolled at the „West University of Timişoara (UVT).

My Master's degree graduation project is "Carita Europeana", a triptych. The following 3 images make-up the project. Click on them to read more details about this project that took me almost half an year to finish:

Carita Europeana - part 1

Carita Europeana - part 2

Carita Europeana - part 3

The following works are paintings I did for the Master's degree courses since I last updated this blog:

Temple of love

The herd instinct

This is my song

The impossible capture

The following image is a virtual art installation I did in Cinema 4D, for one of the courses at UVT:

The tool of Genesis

The image below is intended to represent subjectively and in an abstract way, how I see the society and some of its minorities. I made it look very flat. The tools I used are Photoshop and Cinema 4D:

The society

View all paintings I did for the Master's studies.

Other projects

"Dreams in contention" is a painting I did in my spare time based on a multitude of painting exercises I made during the year of 2012.

Dreams in contention

The following book cover was finished in late August 2012 for my beloved friend Michael Auerbach. Unfortunately, it took a lot of time to finish it, because I was very busy with the studies at the university. The project began in November 2010. This image is just the front cover. Due to lack of time, I did not get to do the back cover for his book.

Elia - Der perfekte Spiegel

I also designed a site interface. This one is for the "Agora University of Oradea", from Romania. The site was done in collaboration with my twin brother.

Universitatea Agora din Oradea

I hope you like the works I did since last year, when I updated the site. I wish you all the best!

Three new paintings

Hello, possible readers! :)

I love painting and I find it fun. In the last month I finished three new paintings. I hope you'll like them as much as I loved doing them.

Antagonizing emotional turmoils

Fears and nightmares

Corruption of Eden

See you next time with more stuff! :)

Early 2011 updates

Greetings people ! :)

Here's a quick update with my latest works.

I've done three book covers, each different and special in its own way. I hope you like them. I am now working on a new one for a friend, Michael Auerbach.

Mathematical probability and statistics

Advanced algebra for engineering and economics track

Steps in Mathematics (5th grade)

Since I got my Bamboo tablet I exercise painting on a daily basis and in December 2010, I decided to take the best ideas that stemmed from my silly painting exercises and to finalize them, so I can publish them. Here are my shy attempts in painting.

Summer hallucination

Incoherent bioforms

The departure

I also painted a Christmas greeting card which I missed posting here, because I was too busy painting the images I release in this post. I hope you guys like this one as well, even if it is late :).

Holidays greeting card 2010

And if all this wasn't enough, I also publishing a not so 3D image I made in 5 minutes, by mistake, in 2004, but I only finalized it yesterday. The initial image was a 3D render, but I worked on it so heavily in Photoshop that it is far from the initial one, just the basic forms and shapes are there. I also painted on it - to fix and "improve" details :).

Puzzled demons

Meanwhile, I worked more on various tiny projects, like designing site interfaces, coding in HTML and stuff for school. I am still aiming at finishing my new site in 2011.

Best regards to everyone and thanks for your time!

Updates before autumn


It's autumn already, and I've been doing quite a few things during the summer. I learned CSS and HTML, yay! It was a piece of cake. I learned, because I already started work on my new site. I hope it will be finished by the end of the year. Coding of CSS/HTML and the design is finished already, but I am waiting for my twin brother to code the required functionality in JS and PHP, but he is really busy with an internship at Mozilla.

Other than that, I made two new images. Actually the first is quite old, since summer 2009, but only now I completed it. It's called Love routine. I hope you like it.

Love routine

The second image is a bit more weird. The creative process was more elaborate. I used Sketch and Toon for the initial image, then I post-processed it in Photoshop using various shadings rendered within Cinema 4D and even Vray. Then, I used the image as a texture map on a plane in a 3D virtual scene, in which I made the dark, muddy water as a photo-realistic rendition and I also placed a neon light behind the plane which had paper-like shading properties, so light could scatter through it. Afterwards, I got the photo-realistic rendition of the paper and water back in Photoshop for more post-processing. Here's an illustration of what I am talking about:

Failed sunset: making of

Now, the final image is here: Failed sunset. The meaning of the image is for you to figure out.

Failed sunset

I hope you enjoy these works. 'Till next time, all the best!

Experimenting with painting


I finished two new images. In December 2009, I bought a Wacom Bamboo tablet to start painting. These two images are the first ones I did with the tablet. Both are just some exercises I did in order to learn to paint.

The latest painting exercise is "Remote village". This painting is done after a photograph I had from the village where my grandmother currently lives. The photograph was considerably much more different. After I finished manually repainting the whole photograph, I began improvising. I added two trees, a horse and another peasant. I also changed the weather and time of year. It was a clear sunny mid-summer day.

Remote village

The first painting exercise I did was to repaint and to add details to a previous sketchy image I did in 2008. The original image is "Love is a burden" and it is still available on the site.

Love is a burden [2010]

There's more to come. I still plan to do more types of exercises. I hope you guys like them. :)

Year 2009 and the first images


I couldn't name the blog post "more posters", even if the title would have fit like a glove, because I have another post with this title ;).

What could be a better way to start the new year than with some messages related to environmental protection? :) Instead of waiting again for Saint Valentines day, I'm synchronizing the release of these posters with the global warming :). So, I decided to make two posters on this matter. Both are well intended :). Hope you like them, and find 'em witty enough to tickle even the sharpest eyes.

In eco we trust

Be Eco

I also made another Milk Inc related poster before last year ended. Perhaps I like Milk Inc. :). Anyways, it goes beyond that, like all the other posters based on their lyrics.

Wide awake

More stuff scheduled to come soon, and not just posters.

More posters


I've done more posters these days. None yet for the Christmas ;). I plan on doing one, some day, but I don't know when.

Two of the following posters are related to Milk Inc.

It is too late

It is too late [center]

The place in marriage


I hope you guys enjoy the holidays season and I wish you all a Happy New Year.

Early Valentine's Day

Salut, Chouvénie!

After pondering for awhile, I finally came up with a title for this blog post. It's always difficult for me to name my new blog posts, due to either repeating older blog posts titles or just no idea.

Now, it's almost Christmas and everyone (or not) enjoys the spirit of these holidays. Thus, believe it or not, I thought of doing some posters on the subject of Valentine's Day. A bit early, but no problem, aye :). The idea of doing a poster came into my mind suddenly, while chatting about design matters with a friend. My first poster was "Valentine's day warning", because I already had the heart rendered, so, I just had to do the design in Photoshop. The idea is quite simple and frank, no shiny gloss or anything. You may use it to express your (non)feelings to your partner.

Valentine's day warning [French]

The second poster, still about Valentine's Day, it's harder to grok (understand), due to its colors and the "cryptic" messages contained in it. The poster illustrates narrow minded kids using the Internet. Further details in the image.

Time lapse of IM love

For each of these two posters, I made a different version:

I don't love you [EN] Time lapse of IM love [B/W]

I also intend to do more posters, as I find it fun, easy 'n quick way to express ideas. Posters allow me to focus on a single subject and to use texts, which can be sharp :). The sketchy illustrations were another fun way to express myself and perhaps, I'll do more.

With this occasion, I added a new section on the site: Posters.

Soon, I'll publish a new interface and a new illustration I'm working on.

Note: These posters are made just for fun and intended as satire.

P.S. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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